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Millions Exposed to Potentially Hazardous Noise Levels at Work
Individuals with hearing loss constitute the single largest disability group in America and noise is the number one cause of hearing...

Michigan Occupational Injury Rates Continue to Decline
The number of workers in Michigan injured on the job continues its 20-year trend of decline, according to a recent report released by the...

MIOSHA’s MCP, MSHARP and MVPP Programs: Definitely Worth a Look
In Michigan, the federal OSHA’s safety and health rules are delegated to MIOSHA. Many would be surprised to learn of the three different...

MIOSHA Makes Significant Changes to Blood Lead Level Standards
The Michigan Occupation Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) recently made a significant revision to the state lead standard. The...

Health & Safety Audits Provide Many Benefits
When was the last time your company performed a health and safety audit? An annual health and safety audit goes a long way in educating...
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