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Handling New Chemicals in AP-42’s Storage Tank Emissions Methodology
For many years, storage tank operators relied on USEPA’s TANKS software to estimate storage tank air emissions. As is well documented,...

Storage Tank Floating Roof Landing Emissions: Managing and Reducing VOC and HAP Emissions
Today everyone should have an inventory to track emissions such as criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and greenhouse...

MDEQ Air Toxics Screening Level Justifications
With the comment period wrapping-up on April 16, 2018, there are five chemicals to be aware of related to air emissions permitting in...

MAERS Annual Emissions Reporting
MAERS Annual Emissions Reporting The annual deadline of March 15th is fast approaching for facilities with air emissions to meet the...

Natural Gas Pipeline Leak Response and Compliance
CFR Environmental was retained by a major natural gas pipeline operator to provide regulatory guidance and eliminate the risk of a...
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