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MAERS Annual Emissions Reporting

MAERS Annual Emissions Reporting

The annual deadline of March 15th is fast approaching for facilities with air emissions to meet the requirements for the Michigan Air Emissions Reporting Systems (MAERS) program. The federal Clean Air Act (CAA) requires that each state maintain an inventory of air pollution emissions for certain facilities and update this inventory every year. Michigan uses MAERS for the annual collection of emissions inventory.

Facilities in Michigan that are required to report annual emissions typically include:

  • A facility with a Renewable Operating Permit (ROP)

  • A facility that has an Opt-Out Permit to Install in place of an ROP

  • A facility subject to a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS)

  • A facility that has received notice from the

to report to MAERS

  • A facility whose actual emissions exceed the MAERS reporting thresholds

CFR Environmental guides its clients through the MAERS reporting process to report annual emissions. MAERS is a web-based reporting platform, consisting of six forms, including the Source Form, Contact Form, Stack Form, Emission Unit Form, Reporting Group Form, and the Activity & Emission Form. Each of these six forms are required for successful completion for MAERS reporting. As part of our air quality services, CFR calculates air emissions for operations that require emissions to be inventoried for a variety of facilities, from small businesses to those that are deemed a major source.

The MAERS reporting process allows for a consultant preparer (e.g. environmental engineering consultant) to support the primary preparer in meeting their MAERS requirements. Navigating MAERS compliance requires an experienced environmental professional. CFR Environmental has a long track record of providing its clients with the expertise required for MAERS compliance.

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