Michigan EGLE Releases 2019 Air Quality Division Annual Program Report

The Air Quality Division (AQD) of the Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) has released the FY 2019 Annual Program Report. Overall, the number of inspections were down, however, the enforcement actions were up compared to FY 2018. The AQD FY 2019 annual report provides some interesting information.
AQD performed a total of 1,030 inspections, 254 for ROP sources and 776 for non-ROP sources in FY 2019. This is a decrease of about 10% from the prior year.
There were 36 enforcement actions that included the payment of a penalty in FY 2019, compared to 19 enforcement actions with payment of a penalty in the prior year.
The AQD sent 499 violation notices FY 2019, up about 6% from FY 2018’s total of 471.
A total of 373 Permit to Install (PTI) applications were approved by the state in FY 2019 with two applications denied. In the prior year there were 363 approved PTI applications with just one denied.
The AQD took final action on 40 Renewable Operating Permit (ROP) applications in FY 2019, all 40 of which were approved. In the prior year, final action was taken on 61 ROP applications, all of which were approved.
The Michigan EGLE AQD is required to prepare an annual report based upon the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act.
CFR Environmental has a long track record of providing support related to air permitting, compliance, and reporting projects. Our expertise includes Renewable Operating Permits (ROP), Permits to Install (PTI) and Potential to Emit (PTE) projects for compliance with state and federal regulations. Contact us to learn more about our air consulting services.