MDEQ Releases Annual Air Quality Report

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Air Quality Division has released its annual report of air monitoring information. The 2017 Annual Air Quality Report details information related to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for specific pollutants and toxic air contaminants.
The report is published annually by the MDEQ to provide a “snapshot of Michigan’s 2017 air quality data, air quality trends, overview of the monitoring network, air toxics monitoring program, and other AQD programs.”
An interesting takeaway in reviewing the report is that Michigan performed air quality monitoring at 46 locations spread throughout the state that are part of the Michigan Air Sampling Network (MASN). The MASN consists of federal reference method (FRM) monitors providing continuous monitoring for:
CO (carbon monoxide)
NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)
O3 (ozone)
SO2 (sulfur dioxide)
PM monitors that measure particulate concentrations over a 24-hour period
High-volume samplers for Pb (lead).
Continuous PM2.5 (particulate matter) and PM10 monitors provide real-time hourly data. PM2.5 chemical speciation monitors determine the chemical composition of PM2.5.
The MASN data is used to provide timely reporting to the DEQ’s air quality reporting web page.
The annual report also includes information on:
Michigan’s monitoring requirements
Attainment/Non-Attainment Status
Monitoring site locations
Air quality trends from 2012-2017
CFR Environmental has a long track record of providing support related to air permitting, compliance, and reporting projects for the petroleum and chemical industry. Our expertise includes Renewable Operating Permits (ROP), Permits to Install (PTI) and Potential to Emit (PTE) projects for compliance with state and federal regulations. Contact us to learn more about our air consulting services.